Multicycle MIPS CPU

Yudai Chen

The CPU supports up to 31 MIPS instructions.

The following is about how did I resolve control hazards & data hazards.

Improve the design of Datapath of 5-stages Pipelined CPU to implement 1-cycle stall when CPU takes Predict-taken policy.

  • Bring forward calculation of condition & branch address

  • Bring forward bypass unit.

Basic Principles

Pipelined CPU

Pipelined CPU

Datapath of 5-stages Pipelined CPU

Datapath of 5-stages Pipelined CPU

Data Hazard

Data hazards occur when the pipeline changes the order of read/write accesses to operands comparing with that in sequential executing .


  1. DADD R1, R1, R3
  2. DSUB R4, R1, R5
  3. AND R6, R1, R7
  4. OR R8, R1, R9
  5. XOR R10, R1, R11

Forwarding——Coping with data hazard

The bypass method can reduce data hazard stalls.

Instead of waiting to store the result, we forward it immediately (more or less) to the instruction that wants it.

Coping with data hazard

Mechanically, we add buses to the datapath to move these values around, and these buses always “point backwards” in the datapath, from later stages to earlier stages.

There are four cases of forwarding:

  • Exe/Mem.ALUoutput->ALU input

  • Mem/WB.ALUoutput->ALU input

  • Mem/WB.LMD->ALU input

  • Mem/WB.LMD->DM input

    Forwarding Case

But forwarding does not always work, so we still have to insert stall in some cases (after lw instructions).

In theory, it is necessary to insert a stall. But in actual programming, we do not actually need to insert a stall. Instead, we directly add a line from the output of DM to the input of ALU.

This is because DM takes the value out of the negative edge of the clock, but because the speed of ALU is fast enough, it doesn’t need a clock cycle to do this. Therefore, after the value is taken from DM, ALU can complete the computation in the current cycle, so there is no need to stall.

Delay Slot

Obviously, we can deal with the branch hazard by inserting stalls into the pipeline, but when we do this, the efficiency of the CPU will be reduced greatly.

So this time we apply delay slot. A delay slot is an instruction that must be executed. If there is such an instruction, then This instruction can substitute one stall.

The following is the datapath after resolving control hazards.

New Datapath

My CPU Modules

  1. Controller

    Controller 1
    Controller 2


    • If the instruction at EXE stage is an ALU instruction, stall.

    • If the write-back address at MEM stage is to be used, forward it.

    • If the instruction at EXE stage is an lw instruction, stall.

    • After the just stall, the instruction comes to the MEM stage. If it’s an lw instruction, stall.

    • If the next instruction is an lw instruction, forward it.

  2. Datapath

    Datapath 1

    0 for no need of bypass. 1 for forwarding from alu-out after a stall. 2 for lw instruction, which needs a bypass from mem_din.

    Respond for the forward signal at the MEM stage.

    Datapath 2

    ID stage:

    Datapath 3

    The target address is different between beq and j instruction.

    As for jal instruction, the address stored in the $ra register should be changed into PC+8.

    Datapath 4


Instruction sequence:

MIPS InstructionExplanation
and $1, $0, $0$1=0
ori $4, $1, 80$4=0x50
call: jal sumjump to sum
addi $5, $0, 4Delay slot: $5=4
return: sw $2, 0($4)return label. Save $2 to address stored in $4
lw $9, 0($4)load 0x258 to $9
sw $9, 4($4)save $9 (0x258) to the next word from address stored in $4
sub $8, $9, $4$8=0x258-0x60=0x1F8
j finish
sum: add $8, $0, $0$8=0
loop: lw $9, 0($4)$9=A3
add $8, $8, $9$8=A3
addi $5, $5, -1$5=3
addi $4, $4, 4$4=0x54
slt $3, $0, $5$3=1
bne $3, $0, loopEach loop extract number from RAM and add it to $8.
Extract sequence: A3, 27, 79, 15
addi $4, $4, 4Delay slot: $4+=4
jr $rareturn
or $2, $8, $0Delay slot:$2=$8=0x258

In the simulation, the value of $9 is in sequence of 0xA3, 0x27, 0x79, 0x155, 0x258. Finally the value of $8 in theory should be 0x1F8.

Simulation result:

Simulation result

The result of simulation meets the result in the theory. And the execution of the instructions in the delay slot is also correct. When the instruction jal is executed, the value of $ra register is PC+8.

Verification on FPGA board:

Verification 1
Verification 2
Verification 3
Verification 4

A3、27、79、115 are read from RAM,and added to $8,and the result is correct.

Yudai Chen
Yudai Chen
Master’s Student at Rice University, former ZJUer

I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Chu Kochen Honors College of Zhejiang University in July 2019. Currently I’m a master’s student majoring in Computer Science at Rice University. My interests include web development(mainly backend), distributed system, cloud computing, high performance computing, and infrastructure.